I named this installation Pain is Pain for several reasons. I worked as a case manager at an outpatient drug clinic. From drug treatment clients to my family and life in general, I have heard people in conversation, one up a person in pain, meaning "My pain is worse than your pain." I believe if you have pain, whatever the case; body, mind, spirit, nobody's pain is better or worse, more or less than anyone else's. The title also addresses the pain involved in the use of narcotics legally or illicitly. Unfortunately, there is still such a stigma attached to addiction. For example, the media reports we are in an opioid epidemic. Opioid addiction has always been a crisis, now it is impacting more white people. That racist misogynist way of looking at addiction has been so horrible for way too long, it's a death sentence, a way to keep people down...This societal stigma often leaves one feeling ashamed and isolated. Whether you are using dope off the street or you have a legal prescription it leads to many painful scenarios. Overdose, withdrawal, stealing, incarceration and institutions, not always, but with dope it's more like a a Yet. Pain impacts all levels, body, mind, spirit. This installation displays centuries of Women's Hysteria, now known as postpartum and the shitty protocols of the day in 2019. This visual leads to the hopeful understanding, working past judgment, and the planting of a seed. "This seed could be for the large number of people who do not want to deal with pain, especially other people's pain, whether it be from disease, mental health, addiction, or injury. Many people say they understand the nuances of pain, but remain apathetic."-eg